A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Week 1 – Intro

My name is Isadora Brown but I like to go by Izzy. I’m 19, a freshman in college, and I was born and raised in New York City. I am the youngest of four children which ultimately means I have five parents. I look forward to the start of the semester.  I’d be the second sibling to earn a college’s degree. My major is Nursing  and I’ve wanted to be a nurse since I was the fifth grade as science is my strong suit. High school English wasn’t hard for me, it just wasn’t one of my favorite subjects. My struggle point in English would definitely be writing. Sometimes I have a hard time putting my thoughts into words and in order while trying to use more mature vocabulary. So, essays and any other kind of writing assignment will have me under pressure a bit but that is how diamonds are made. I still love to learn, however, so I give school my best efforts. I chose City Tech, not only because a friend attended before me, but also because it would’ve been convenient to travel to and from work.  Being able to work and attend school while getting good grades all at once would always be a huge accomplishment in my eyes. Unfortunately, COVID changed my plans…

Not only do I enjoy learning, I also love to dance, cook, and travel. I’ve loved dancing since I was 5, as well as eating food. Traveling became new to me after my trip to ATL this past summer and I decided I’d visit places more often.  I have a bunch of free-time because of the lockdown so I insisted on getting back into the gym, too.

This was me at the Airport for my first trip alone.(This was me at the airport for my very first trip alone)

My future goals are to get my associates degree and move on to a four-year college for my bachelors so that I can have a secure, happy future!


1 Comment

  1. Prof. Edelson

    This is great! Welcome to the class! Remember to let me know what you want to learn in my class so I can make it helpful!
    Prof. Edelson

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