Portofolio review Thursday

I know you guys have been busy with the Design Journal – so I hope getting your porfolio together won’t be too time consuming.

Two good options are:

  1. OpenLab ePorfolio: Since you know well how to Post on the OpenLab course site, it wouldn’t be too hard to make an ePortfolio with a page or two for all your pieces with labels. See Create ePortfolio.  The big benefit here is that all course work stays within our OpenLab course.

If not, a Folder with your name on Google Drive is great also :  Upload and share with CDiamond@Pratt.edu

Let me know if you have any questions.

Week of 5/18-22nd Final Week

Monday 5/18

Presentation of Digital Journals during Zoom meeting

Work on Final Portfiolios Due Thursday.

Please organize your semester’s work, everything you have

Label your files by Assignment and first Name, eg/ Line Design.Izzy..jpg , properly shot and  cropped


Shape and Symmetry Organic plant and pattern project

Texture Value Collage (I have B&W) Color

Golor Grids and Graphic Landscape

Transparency 2 files

Form and Space, Digital Illustrator and Hand DRawing files

Any other sketches you may have or anything I forgot?