IF you have not yet uploaded a first “shitty draft” of your Unit 1 Education Narrative essay to the Google Drive Folder (ENG 1101 O259)


IF YOU WANT CREDIT for this draft (4 points towards your low-stakes, informal homework grade), 

THEN upload a “shitty first draft” before class THIS Wednesday, October 6.

After Wednesday, October 6th, you cannot earn those 4 free credit points, but you can still submit a first draft and receive feedback on it. 

NOTE: If you are anxious about sharing a rough, unfinished, first draft with everybody in the Google Drive Folder, please EMAIL ME YOUR DRAFT at cdeaver@citytech.cuny


If your partner’s paper is not finished, you can still comment, based on what they’ve written so far.

Write three to four specific comments about your partner’s work on the shared document. Here are some sample phrases to help you get started:

  • When you said… this really caught my attention because …
  • Your piece got me thinking about…
  • I got confused here when you said… because…
  • I wanted to know more about…..

At the very end of the document, leave an overall comment for your partner. Quote at least one key phrase or moment that stands out to you, and use a “quotation sandwich”: introduce, summarize, and respond to the quote explaining why you chose it. For more on quotation sandwiches see here.


  • Amana and Vincent
  • Andrew and Janet
  • Kimberly and Vivian
  • Dave and Josh