Welcome to the Course

We’re going to writing and programming an interactive fiction game this term.

This Home Page will be for announcements. For the work of the class, go to the correct Menu item on the top.

We’ll be using the course Blackboard site for the Grade Book and for the Midterm and Final Exams.


The assignments themselves will be in the drop-down submenu.

To post an assignment:

  • Click on the + at the top of the page.
  • Create a title for your assignment (it’s nice if you include your name, but it will be on the bottom anyway).
  • Create your content. Remember, you can attach a file by using the Add Media icon just above the ruler.
  • Click on the appropriate Category in the Categories menu on the right hand side
  • Hit Publish.

IMPORTANT!!!  All assignments will be due (time stamped) by 5 pm on the due date. Otherwise, it’s late, and you’ll lose a point.