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AFB Magazine Vol II

Dec. 8th 2014 – Feb. 5th 2015


Erika, Karina, and I had a conversation over email (since my phone is not working so well) and we decided to meet up in the Lexington Ave and 53rd Street Starbucks to work on the magazine together. Karina uses this website called Joomag to make magazine layouts so I had to learn the ropes since I never heard of that site in my life. It’s funny because she’s not a designer and when I saw some of the things she created, Erika and I looked at each other and was very disappointed. I had to go and redesign some layouts and pages for the magazine. I also learned Joomag a lot better than Karina and actually taught her some stuff on it.

This is an example of something I designed for a page in the magazine.

Magazine Page 16 EDIT

On this page I used a painting I painted for the header since the last magazine had a lot of abstract images. It also was an article about becoming an art tutor so I thought maybe something artistic that was created would be a very good fit with the article.

We worked for a few hours and then left to go home as soon as the Starbucks was closing.

This was biggest project that took out a lot of time and effort to get everything completed. 

NOTE: This Magazine was supposed to be done by November of 2014 to be released for that year. With all the problems this organization had and all of the postponements for meetings as well as changes every so often, this finished on February of 2015. It was also technically all of Joomag’s fault. (This site was used to create the magazine). I do NOT recommend this site at all. Every single time we would convert the magazine to a PDF, it would just simply get rid of half of the edits we made as well as pixellate most of the text. It was probably the most hair pulling experience I had in the work field.

Below is actually the completed version of the AFB Magazine Vol. II. What was really cool about this was the fact that more than 6k people saw the magazine and it’s just really puts you in a good mood when a lot of people see the effort you put into something. (Though after a few weeks of this dragging on, I kind of got a little tired with working on it and was focusing more on my Spring Semester)

A Free Bird Magazine Vol. II


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