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4. Internship / Interview

Nov. 24th 2014

Knowing about this Internship:

I was in a desperate struggle to find an internship (especially since it was already the final weeks of the semester). My surgery from the month before in October didn’t really help a lot either since I missed about two weeks. My friend Matthew actually told me about A Free Bird Organization from the New York City Service site (New York City Service). He got interviewed on the same day and they mentioned that they were looking for 3 more graphic designers. Once he mentioned that, I rushed home and submitted my resume and cover letter and got an email back the same day for an interview for the very next day!

Nov. 25th 2014


When I got the email for an interview the next day, I got a little nervous but I was really excited. The next email I sent in was “what’s the dressing code for this organization?” My reply was that you can wear anything that felt comfortable to you, and when the day of the interview came, I did just that. The interview actually took place in coffee shop at 61 Local in Bergen Street. (Not far off from City Tech).

2014-12-11 11.38.032014-12-11 10.55.38


The moment I went inside, I already felt intimidated. Everyone dressed up all fancy like. I went right in with my casual clothing which consisted of an Anime shirt, jeans, and sneakers. I also carried my professional Canon Rebel T3 camera since I was taking photos beforehand. My interviewer was non other than the founder himself, Godni Amir Liteman. The moment he shook my hand, he noticed the camera and asked me if I liked to take photos. When I replied that taking photos is a huge hobby of mine, his eyes sparked interest and wanted to know more about what I do. He asked me a few questions. Some of the questions included: How did I find out about this organization, what can I bring to the table when it comes to design, etc. When I mentioned that I brought some stuff that I made for class, he wanted to see what they were right away. They were just two books I created in Print Production for Designers that I created for my first/midterm project this semester.

One of them was a 16 page Minizine that was solely created in Black and White and it was a Pokemon Badge Guide for Gold and Silver Version.


When he looked through the whole Minizine, we got into a whole conversation about Pokemon and how one of his friends actually paints each Pokemon Gym Leader and he went through my book and picked out the ones he painted.

The second book I showed him was a 48 page Mock up of the Persona 3 Tarot Card book I created (since the final was given to the professor). Sadly, I don’t have any images to share of this book or samples (It was my favorite book too…)

When he saw both books, he didn’t even check out my portfolio that I had prepared. He wanted me to be a part of the team on the spot. The last thing he told me was wait for an email for when the orientation will take place and we called it a day after that.



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