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6. Photo Retouching / Appreciation Letter

Photo Retouching:

During this time, Erika and Karina were supplied with all the images we needed to use for the magazine. My job was to retouch over 100+ photos for the magazine so that we can pick from. This took up so much time and effort on my part. Since I was the only graphic artist in this group, I had to do everything. I worked on this at home and it took me almost the whole night into the morning hours of the next day to get everything completed (6pm-5am).

One out of 100+ that I retouched.


 Volunteer Appreciation Letter:

Ryan (who’s a part of the Management group) needed help creating a Volunteer Appreciation letter to send to all the workers inviting them to a holiday party. I just literally thought of something simple to use and worked maybe like 5 minutes on it. I pretty much used everything that was related to the Brand of the company. The two Font Styles: Bickham and Perpetua, The main color that we use which is Royal Blue and The Logo of the Bird. We both sent it to Godni, and in less than 15 minutes we got a reply saying that he loved it. Ryan and I looked at each other giving the thumbs up sign and from then on, we called it a day.

AFB Volunteer Appreciation Invitational

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