7) This last assignment was about anything we choose. The purpose of this assignment was to do anything that is related to the type of work we are currently doing as well as what we want to be doing in our fields. What I decided to make for my Final Project was a Business card. More specifically for the type of Advertising that I’m most interested in: Photography. On the Front side you’ll find that the art style is that of a shutter lens. I didn’t incorporate that I was a photographer because most designers could tell it’s a shutter lens at first glimpse. I also as well have the word photography on the backside. On the backside is my logo and together it’s called CR Photography. I used the shape tool and manipulated the circles as well as the gradients in order to make my own custom lens. Lastly I wanted to keep the business card simple so i left it with only three neutral colors: Black, White and Gray.
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