Author Archives: Alvaro Nunez

Inspiration: Marcel Christ and Greg Shapps

Marcel Christ was born in 1969. Christ is a short film director and still life photographer, based in Amsterdam. The first photograph by Marcel Christ is very clean, and pleasing to the eyes. The photographer maybe used Photoshop on image in order to get the ‘just on the right moment’ shot. Here we see that, he’s not advertising any brand of milk but he’s trying to say milk is life; is organic. I didn’t expect that pouring milk to a glass makes some cool and significant figure or shape.

The second photograph is by Gregg Shapps; who takes photos of products, pharmacy, healthcare and more; did a great job in this photo of the glass of water with and the Rubik’s cubes. We can see the clear and natural water in the glass; almost representing the ocean because of the blue tones. Even though we do not see an important shape of the water, (like the milk that look like a tree); we still can see something great. The shape of the water in this photo, have a feeling of a wave from the ocean.

Both photographers, play around with shapes and compositions; which is a great. Also both images uses a solid background. Furthermore, both images looked edited. The first image with the glass of milk, seems to be 1/4 full and the glass of water is 3/4 full.

Inspiration: Michael Paul Smith

Getting super closer to the subjects and making sure to keep the right angle and perspective; Michael Paul Smith make his images or photographs visually compelling. With the perfect angles, he’s able to use the real life environment for his background. Also, he matches nature with his miniature objects. We can also see lots of details in his work. I might try some of his tricks or ideas for next week shooting.

Inspiration: Richard Avedon & Jonathan Mannion

Richard Avedon’s portrait style is unique because most of the times he only uses front light; He places above the subject most of the times. Jonathan Mannion who was Richard Avedon’s assistant, uses the same technique for the photograph of Jay Z; Front light and it was placed above the subject. We can tell the light was placed above the subject because of the harsh shadow of the hat on his forehead. Not just for Jay Z Mannion uses the same light style but also for Ice Cube. We can tell it was front light placed above the subject.

Inspiration: Philip Lorca-Dicorcia Hustlers

The image of Philip Lorca-Dicorcia from the series ‘Hustlers’ is a white man without a shirt on; he’s standing in front of a restaurant. We can tell is a restaurant because we see a burger and a cup of soda on top of a container or table. The man is outside of the restaurant; he can be seen through the glass of the store clearly. This composition was setup because the sun is not visible and the image has a simulation that the sunset is lighting the subject. A bright key light was placed on the side, to light side view of the man. Another light was placed inside of the store; short enough to light the burger and the cup. Color wise, the composition has a blue/green and orange/red look, which I like.

Inspiration: Annie Leibovitz & Awol Erizku

The photograph of Demi Moore by Annie Leibovitz, we can tell that Demi Moore is proud to be a mother. She’s looking up like to the future. Her hands are covering herself and holding the baby. The lighting style in this photo is broad light. We can tell is broad light because the light is falling on the visible ear. We can also see that Annie Leibovitz just uses a simple plain background, and the subject is completely nude.

The other photo of Beyoncé by Awol Erizku show more a religion view. Beyoncé look like Virgin Mary because of the flowers around her and the veil she’s using. We can tell that the background was painted to represent the sky. Lots of props were used.

These two photographs have some similarities such as both women are holding the baby, proud to be mother, and facing same side. The differences are the different lighting style, one has more harsh shadows than the other, and different composition.

Yousuf Karsh & Nadav Kander

Yousuf Karsh; born in Mardin, Turkey. Was and American Canadian photographer better known for his important and beautiful portraits of famous and historical people. He photographed Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, President John F. Kennedy, President Fidel Castro, Nelson Mandela, Princess Elizabeth and more. His portraits are gorgeous and the way he uses the light is incredible. One of his significant portrait is the one of Albert Einstein. In this portrait we can see that Yousuf Karsh uses a back light to pop up the subject from the background. Also, he uses some extra light for the sides to fill the dark areas; and of course, a key light which is almost on the side and high.

By Yousuf Karsh, 1948

Albert Einstein By Yousuf Karsh, 1948

Nadav Kander; born in Tel Aviv, Israel. His better known for his portraits and landcapes. Kander portraits looks more like a composition; an art that his creating using a photograph. It is incredible how Nadav Kander uses a projector or some reflector to add this pattern or texture to the subject’s skin. One of my favorite photograph of Kander is the one attach below. Here we can see how he’s using a projector to illustrate an emotion and create an art out of a photograph. Also using the monochromatic color scheme of green is beautiful and holds the composition together. I would love to try something like this because is eye catchy and I know that the model would love this type of portrait.

Eddie Redmayne, “Forest” By Nadav Kander, 2016

Inspiration – Dawoud Bey

In a short response to this work (300 words min), characterize his portrait style. How does he use expression, pose, framing, light, and foreground background relationships to create these sympathetic portraits of young people? What ideas did you get about how you might approach today’s in-class shoot from looking at this work?

Dawoud Bey is an American photographer who takes portraits to students. He uses lots of technique that makes the photographs appealing. He uses expressions, poses, framing, light, out of focus background, relationship of foreground and background, and the use of soft colors. For each student, Dawoud Bey uses a different expression to get the attention of the viewers. Bey combine the expression with the pose to make the photo unique, and reads as one composition. Framing is also very important in his photography; he makes the subject look straight at your eyes. Most of the time, he uses the rules of thirds; placing the main subject on the side, not in the center of the photograph. Light is also another technique that Bey uses. He makes the light reflect as natural light. Also he uses busy background but you cant tell is busy because of the out of focus.

In today’s class I might ask the person how you feel today, and depending on their feelings, I asked him/her to pose in a certain way. Definitely I will use Dawoud Bey techniques to enhanced my photography.