Inspiration: Marcel Christ and Gregg Shapps

For our homework, we have to compare and contrast their work. The first photo is from Marcel Christ. He’s a short film director and still life photographer.

The work of Marcel Christ is really pleasing to see. What I like about this photo is how he took the right time to take the perfect shot. When a liquid is pouring in a glass you don’t really think that it will make cool shapes, just the water going crazy in a glass. But, in this glass is different because the milk is forming a tree shape and is totally understandable because milk is good for our bodies and this photo is like saying “milk is life”.



The second photo by Gregg Shapps ( specializing in Product/Still Life and Healthcare) is interesting because the color of the water is really blue and when we were taking photos of a glass of water our water was not blue. Somehow I think that this photo could have some photoshop because the cubes don’t look like they were inside the cup of water.


In total, I think that these photos have something in common. When they pour/drop their objects into the glass, they want that splash for the photo to look more interesting. That is the only thing I think that they have in common. Their work could look the same but they have a different concept. Base on Marcel Christ’s work, his work is more like chemistry and forming shapes with liquid. However, Gregg Shapps has already the object to take photos.


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