Marcel Christ and Greg Shapps

Marcel Christ’s photographs are truly insane and nerve-racking. His photographs are shown in the apple backgrounds. He uses color-smoke and color-dust and photographs them in motion. They are truly beautiful. Most of his photographs has a dark background so the subject is literally the only thing in the picture. He catches the moment when it’s running away and it’s completely breathtaking. Greg Shapps’s picture are mostly taken in the healthcare business. In his picture, we see people interacting with healthcare workers. They look very secure and they feel like they’re being helped in this picture. Most of his photos has a cold look with a tint of blue that makes you feel cold. That helps to create the mood that you’re looking into a hospital bed. His photos are also very grainy. I’m not quite sure what he is trying to portray by that but I feel like his photos would have been better without the grains. They make it look old and fatal which doesn’t help with the mood of feeling safe and secure in the hospital environment.

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