Yousuf Karsh & Nadav Kandar

Yousuf Karsh was an American-Canadian photographer. He was born on December 23,1908 in Mardin, Turkey. He was best known for his portraits of notable individuals and also known as the best photographer of the 20th century. Most of his pictures are black and white and are images that seemed captured at the moment. Most of his images seem like they were taken unexpectedly with out people noticing, which is better because it captures random moments and those are the best moments because you get to see exactly how people are feeling at that exact moment. I noticed a few things about his images which is that most of them he has people smiling. In almost all of his pictures there are people smiling which you could tell that he liked capturing happy moments. I also noticed that in most of his pictures the people are looking away, they don’t really look directly at the camera, this could be because he actually tells them how to pose or maybe because he captures the images at random moments. One portrait  I love from him is the one he took from Audrey Hepburn in 1956. I really like this portrait because he really captures her beauty even though it’s a side view. This image has the perfect light on her face, you could see her jaw line in detail and its a nice and simple black and white portrait.


Nadav Kandar was born in Israel in 1961. His first interest in photography was because of his father. His father used to take pictures and had created his first slide show which nadav was there with him watching the process. Nadav began taking pictures when he was 13 on a Pentax camera. He was also inspired by a few photographers such as Strand, Stieglitz, Weston and Atget. In his portraits as well as in Yusuf’s most of the people are looking away, but in his pictures they actually look like he was directing them to pose a certain way. He also uses a lot of black and white images, most of his photographs look like paintings and they’re also more serious and straight forward. You could describe how people are feeling though his images specially the pictures where they’re more up close. My favorite image from him is the one that he took from Carla in 1999. This image is very up close, it’s in black and white and you could see a perfect detail of her face. The shadow on her face is also one thing i mainly like because it covers half of her face but you could still see the details in her face clear enough. You are also able to tell the way she is feeling by the deep look in her eyes, and i feel like its a great capture for an up close portrait.



One thought on “Yousuf Karsh & Nadav Kandar

  1. rmichals

    Karsh might not be the best photographer of the 20th century but he was certainly one of the best portrait photographers. He photographed celebrities. Most of his work was studio work. He would occasionally go on location but always with lights. his work was never candid, meaning, the subjects were modeling for him.

    Kandar also photographs a lot of celebrities though he also does personal projects that might take I’m into other areas of photography.

    Both photographers favor low key lighting meaning the tones are primarily dark and both use short and broad light frequently.


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