Two K’s of Photography

Yousuf Karsh portrait work is very intriguing to the eye and it captures a story. His portraits gives people what his life is about. One image that stands out is the image with his mentor. You can tell in the way that the photograph was taken that his mentor was apart of his long career as a photographer. It portrays the meaning of support and balance that Karsh had. His black and white portraits are keen and meaningful to a photographer that enjoys doing black and white portaits.

Nadav Kander portrait work is very different from Karsh because his portraits are very political. His portraits are very emotional and you feel cold when you look at his photos. Based on his website, his portraits are chosen based on the current time. It does not require one to look in the camera or even be engaged with it.

I plan on emulating more of Kander’s idea of portraying emotion in upcoming assignments.


One thought on “Two K’s of Photography

  1. rmichals

    Both Karsh and Kander photograph or photographed the political leaders of their day as well as the stars of entertainment. One way their work is similar is both photographers tended towards low key portraits meaning that most of the tones are darker than the midtown. Another way their work is similar is that both use short and broad light often.


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