Karsh and Kandar

Karsh was a famous photographer from the from the 20th century. He photographed famous people from Winston Churchill to Sophia Loren. His work of portraits tells a story of that era of time. His style of photography is he brings the moment out of a person through there eyes. He had an understanding of light which is still recognizable in today’s time. Many of his portraits have a different movement of eyes which is intriguing to the eyes. Also, his portrait has an attitude which can relate to the audience. The mood of the photos depends on what kind of personality. One photo, I loved is Nelson Mandela because there is this sweet connection which he pulled out of Mandela which he has his hands together for prayer and eyes are filled with happiness.

Kandar was a famous photographer who takes a portrait of people. His work shows more emotion. Each portrait has personalities that show various types of emotion that people don’t talk about on regular basis. His photography is very informative and collectible pieces which have to mean. He uses a lot of contrast to convey and draw people into his work. It tells us what people are going through in this world. For instance, Saqid Khan’s portrait is black and white but has a lot of contrast to show the personality. There is the impact of negative and positive because of split on the face. Both photographers have famous work of portraits but I would like to emulate the contrast and light in photography in upcoming assignments.

One thought on “Karsh and Kandar

  1. rmichals

    In the Karsh portrait of Mandela, it is the winning smile that makes the photograph. However, the lighting is good too! the main light is a high, front light with a perfect but subtle background light just pulling his shoulders off the background adding a bit of dimension to the photo.

    We are going to talk about contrast in portrait photography more this week!


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