Avedon’s portrait style is shooting in black and white to give contrast to his photos. His choice of a white color background is a a great choice for having his subjects stand out. It gives the deatails in the photo a little more pop. Johnathan Mannion uses the same technique as reference of Avedon’s style of taking portraits and applies it in the photo of Jay-Z by using the same white background, show great contrast, Jay-Z gesture is facing the camera while his head is tilt down a bit along with a 3 1/4 head turn slightly. The style in this portrait is the same as Avedon’s work. Mannion uses short light, broad light, split light, and Rembrandt Light with or without fill. By observing both of their works I have to admit that I’ve learned quite a lot from both of these remarkable artists. This is gonna help push me further into doing more portraiture photoshoots.
Avedon almost always uses front light often from above. Mannion uses all the traditional portrait lighting styles.