Headphones and Hearing Loss

Brand Summary: Skullcandy is a brand that has a distinctive name that stands out on its own, but that’s not all it has going for it. Being specialized for Bluetooth, Skullcandy headphones allow one to  listen to music while having full functionality of their smartphone, all in one convenient unit. The audio quality is also a “treat” for the ears, hence the name of the company.

PSA Summary: People who use headphones regularly are experiencing hearing loss due to excessive volume, aging as young as 18 to 44, and the article urges regulation of use to preserve one’s hearing.

Intention: Provide emphasis on Skullcandy’s compact design and convenient features, in addition to its quality of sound. For the PSA, stress the importance of moderation in use so as to not cause irreparable damage to one’s hearing.

Image Ideas: For Skullcandy, photographs of my subject multitasking while “listening” to their music come to mind. For the PSA, images of the headphones half-on a person still struggling to hear a conversation manifest.

Results: Despite some troublesome technical difficulties, I think the shoot went well. The exercise in lighting ratios was juxtaposed very well with a practice in mood lighting. 1:1 ratio lighting was very flattering for an ad, and it would have complimented many products, not just headphones. The moodiness that more uneven ratios created, in addition to a dark background, definitely works well with a foreboding and cautioning PSA.

One thought on “Headphones and Hearing Loss

  1. rmichals

    The light bright quality of your skull candy ad works well. I also really like how Cindy is tightly framed creating her own little world much like world headphones can create. And as I said during class, the placement of the logo along the implied line of Cindy’s gaze is very effective.

    I am not completely convinced by the PSA. I do like that it is not apocalyptic, meaning that it shows someone adjusting his headphones not being stricken deaf which is melodramatic and unlikely to reach the audience. At the very least I would suggest moving the type down so it isn’t so close to the face.


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