Healthcare For All Summary

Photography: In researching images used by healthcare providers, I noticed that in terms of color schemes, there were a lot of whites and blues, and very rarely were reds involved unless they were part of a banner or icon invoking the imagery of “healing”, such as crosses and bandages. People, when they were involved in the layouts, were overwhelmingly positive and upbeat, and only ads serving as PSAs showed anything in a negative light to dissuade certain practices. On the subject of lighting, there were never harsh highlights or glaring light sources in the ads I saw, instead they used diffused lighting to create a calm, inviting image that was easy on the eyes.

Communication Problem: Health Care For All New York’s mission statement , to me, conveys a sense that the company is a stern benefactor for people under its protection. While on one hand, it’s a priority to show the calm, inviting side of a healthcare provider, it is also a priority to showcase the uncompromising service of HCFANY.

Image Ideas:
Smiling patrons with HCFANY’s added to the composition in post.

Results: The warm, happy and inviting aspect of healthcare ads got through a lot more than “uncompromising”, I would think. The photographs taken were all complimentary portrait shots, and some were even lit in classic photo studio styles such as Rembrandt and butterfly lighting. Even then I am pleased with the results of this week’s shoot, and I believe the group produced enough material for their HCFA ad. My subject having a band-aid on during the shoot was very fortuitous for me, because it went very well with the topic.


One thought on “Healthcare For All Summary

  1. rmichals

    Your observations about the kind of lighting used in health care ads is on point. Front light that is diffused so that the shadows are very soft is the general rule. And it makes sense if the goal is to associate safety, protection and health with the brand.

    I think the strongest aspect of the ad you created is the tight cropping. I also like Yulia’s direct look at the viewer creating the feeling that she has nothing to hide, something important in a health insurance ad.

    I am not sure about the meaning of the band-aide. I am not sure if it helps or hurts your ad. My guess is that a health insurance company would not include such a detail. Exactly why I can’t say except that the fewer reminders of accidents and bodily harm the better.

    You clearly state in your discussion of similar ads that the color schemes are usually blues. I can see that maybe you wanted to go against the norm by picking pink but I don’t think it works.


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