Robin Michals | COMD 3330 OL98 Fall 2020

Category: Lab: week 2 – Juxtaposition (Page 3 of 3)

week 2 -Juxtaposition

These are a 2 usbs. one is my larger and older 16gig and my smaller and newer 128gig. I changed my angles quite a bit by the 10th; I also managed to catch a glimpse of the innards and the wear and tear to really help with the comparison. 

Lab: Week 2 – Juxtaposition

I started with two of my shoes from my wardrobe, one flat and one stiletto heel, and I tried to arrange them next to each other in an interesting way. I manipulated the camera angle too much and it came out looking too cheesy. So then I positioned my camera in a more straight on way and placed my stiletto closer to the camera to convey it as being more dominant, with the flat loafer behind the stiletto in the background. I also used a brown cardboard leftover box as a sort of seamless backdrop, which I chose to contrast with the glossy and sparkly materials of the black shoes.


For the lab exercise I chose to photograph life and death in juxtaposition. The plant representing life and the goat skull representing death. During my process I played with my light source, my focal point, and the framing. During my process I realized the background was distracting from the subjects. I also tried to expose properly because the light source I was using was too warm and close for the shot I was looking for.

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