Select 1 or 2 types of vegetables with 1 to 3 of each to work with. Usually odd number are most appealing. Pick something totally different from what you worked with in class. if you worked with onions now use carrots.

Select a background. Again, work with something different than you worked with in class.

Using your best composition skills, create a series of beautiful photos of these objects: 10 with side light and 10 with back light.

Post to an album on Flickr. Due: Nov 3 at 6 pm.

Also, prepare for next week’s class. We will consider how to tell a story with food photography. Collect the ingredients for a favorite dish, cookies or cupcakes, fruits for a smoothie, or simply lemons for lemonade. Think about a background. What props might work for your subject: a wooden spoon, a pitcher, a children’s toy with a cupcake or balloons to imply a party. The food will remain the hero of your shot but what objects will help tell your story.