Needed for this class

  • a camera or cameraphone
  • a small stuffed animal maybe 4 or 5 inches tall.
  • a light – a $10 clamp light from the hardware store will be fine. That is what I used for the examples. You may also need an extension cord
  • 1 or better yet 2 pieces of white poster board. You may also use a white sheet or towel to create a white surface.


Ambient Light-The light that is already there sometimes called available light

Continuous Lights-Always on, may be incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, LED

LED-Light Emitting Diode-super energy efficient

Lighting direction: front, side, back

Quality-direct, diffused

Color Temperature-describes the color of the light. Cool colors are above 5000K and warmer temperatures are below. Meaning the RGB values are equal.

White Balance-the means to adjust the color temperature so that grays and whites are neutral


Photography Lighting Lesson-Remember the Egg- Joe Edelman


Lab Exercises

Lighting Direction



Midterm Project