Create an image that says romantic. Whatever that means to you. Only not stereotypes. No hearts, no roses, no wine glasses. Try working with a one or two small objects and change the mood with the light and the depth of field.

The image should:

  • be a still life
  • have shallow depth of field (though something must be in focus)
  • low-key lighting meaning that most of the tones should be darker than the midtone

If you are working with a camera, suggested but not required: If you have fairy lights or Christmas lights or candles, include them in the background (or foreground just so that they are far from the plane of focus.)

If you are working with a cameraphone, your objects should be smaller-such as two grapes – and you will need to get fairly close to get optical shallow depth of field. Make sure that you don’t get so close that the cameraphone cannot focus.

Post your final image to OpenLab with a short description of your process.

Please remember to make your image a small JPG before posting.

Category: Lab: Week 3 – Romanantic