View the two videos: one an interview with Dawoud Bey and one with Carrie Mae Weems.

Interview with Dawoud Bey

Interview with Carrie Mae Weems – The Kitchen Table series

Both mention the idea of photography as a voice, a way to reshape the world.

Write a response (500 words minimum) to these two videos in a post on openLab.

  1. Paragraph 1: How does Dawoud Bey approach the idea of using photography as a way of finding his voice. Describe one of his projects and the impact he sought to create with that project. Select one image from that project to highlight and describe.
  2. Paragraph 2: How does Carrie Mae Weems approach use photography to find her voice? Describe the kitchen table project and the impact that she sought to create with the project. Select one image from that project to highlight and describe.
  3. How are their approaches similar and different? What do you think the power of photography is as Dawoud Bey said “to re-shape the world?”

Due: Tuesday, September 8, 5:59pm.

Category: HW1-Finding Your Voice