Due October 27. 10 pts.
Portrait of a place-Select a park or playground near you. Photograph there at different times of day to capture the place and the people who use it in a series of 8 final photos.
- 40 photos in an album labeled Shoot 1 on Flickr due Oct 20th at 8am:
Portrait of a Place-Shoot in your location at 2 different times of day and or in different weather. Your shots should cover a wide range of approaches: long shots to close ups, people including at least one person in motion, animals and plants. Each photo should use light and composition in compelling ways.
2. 40 Photos in an album labeled Shoot 2 on Flickr due Oct 27 at 8am.
Portrait of a Place – Shoot at your location at different times of day and weather.
3. 8 final photos adjusted in Lightroom in an album labeled Midterm on Flickr due Oct 27th at 8am.
4. A brief presentation to the class of your project on Oct 27th.
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