Class Info

  • Date: October 18, 2021
  • Meeting Info: Online


Using the Pathfinder and Blend Tools

Today, we will be using the Pathfinder Tools, Blend Tools and working with Type in Illustrator

This Plaid Design was created with the Pathfinder Tool.


What you can expect to learn

  • Pathfinder Tools
    • The Shape Modes
      • Add to shape area
      • Subtract from shape area
      • Intersect shape areas
    • The Pathfinders
      • Divide
      • Trim
      • Merge
      • Crop
      • Outline
      • Minus Back
  • Width Tool
  • The Blend Tool
  • Working with Type in Illustrator
    • Creating Point Type, Area Type,
    • Importing Text
    • Understanding Text Flow
    • Changing Font Size and Color – Attributes


Each week we will review homework assignments from the previous class. Students will participate in reviewing material and offering suggestions for improvement for their cohort. This week we discuss the use of the Gradient and its effectiveness in your designs.


Lab assignments are done during class time. Use the Pathfinder Tool to create a plaid design as demonstrated in class. You may use a color palette of 6 to 8 colors. Consider the backgrond.


Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. This is a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Homework Due Next Class: 

All work should be submitted by 5:00 pm, Tuesday, October 6, the day before class.

Each file should be saved according to the following naming convention. i.e.,

  • Create a necklace using the Blend tool. Follow class demonstration in class.
  • Save files in the correct naming convention and email it for your folder.


Shape Modes, The Pathfinders, Blend Options


Here are some notes that you should read to educate yourself in the topic area described above. Pathfinder Techniques file will be emailed to you.