Tag Archives: Found Alphabet

Found Alphabet Discussion Activity Guide

Found Alphabet

  • Weekly image posts of  alphabet letters,numbers 1-9 ,0  and comments
  • Final  Due  last class Upload a compiled PDF into your post for final


Photograph samples of type you observe type around you. Accumulate a library of all the letters of the alphabet, include numbers 1-9. Take photos at a high resolution for print. (300 dpi). NOTE: To assure clarity consider the lighting and background You can do more that one or other letterforms or symbols if you wish after first full alphabet set


  1. Create a post on OpenLab class site named “LastName_First Name  Found Alphabet”
  2. Post example
  3. Give it categories “Student Post Found Alphabet”  “Found Alphabet”
  4. Upload and insert ONE  image into your post each week. name them “LastName Firstname_Letter…”
  5. Make your image 250PPI x 250PPI
    Create a gallery and format images as below
  6. Comment on 1 image  uploaded by classmates each week  
  7. Try to give them classifications. Serif, Sans Serif, Old Style, Display,  Modern, Transitional
  8. Or try to identify them, you could try:  WhatTheFont Upload an image and tells you the name of the font
  9. Or comment on the typeface choice and usage
  • ptimize a JPEg. A JPEG is the standard format for compressing photographs.
  • Open an image and choose File > Save For Web.
  • Make your image 250PPIx 250PPI
  • Choose JPEG from the optimization format menu.
  • Specify the compression level: Choose quality option medium from the popā€‘up menu under the optimization format menu.
  • The higher the Quality setting, the more detail is preserved in the optimized image, but the larger the file size.View the optimized image at several quality settings to determine the best balance between quality and file size.
  • Select Progressive to display the image progressively in a web browser; that is, to display it first at a low resolution, and then at progressively higher resolutions as downloading proceeds.To save your optimized image, click OK.
  • In the Save Optimized As dialog box, type a filename, and click Save.

Due At The End of Semester

  • Create an 8.5×11 document with  InDesign match the PDF example
    • Create a master page include:
    • Insert 5″ margins all around
    • Place  12  2″x2″ picture boxes aligned and spaced evenly on one page.  Have text box with a letter annotation on top of each
    • Text to have text on top left: First name last name ” Top right  “Found Alphabet”
    • Insert  pages into your document from the master you created Place images into InDesign file picture boxes and work with picture crop there. Annotate/caption images with the letter selected
    • Save the doc as a PDF name it: ā€œlastname_firsname_Found_Alphabet.pdf
    • Upload a PDF into  your  OpenLab “LastName_First Name  Found Alphabet”   post

How to create an image for web usage

Most digital cameras and phones are likely to be set to take images that are vastly larger than a user of a computer screen is likely to need

  • Optimize a JPEg. A JPEG is the standard format for compressing photographs.
  • Open an image and choose File > Save For Web.
  • Choose JPEG from the optimization format menu.
  • Specify the compression level: Choose quality option medium from the popā€‘up menu under the optimization format menu. The higher the Quality setting, the more detail is preserved in the optimized image, but the larger the file size.
  • View the optimized image at several quality settings to determine the best balance between quality and file size.
  • Select Progressive to display the image progressively in a web browser; that is, to display it first at a low resolution, and then at progressively higher resolutions as downloading proceeds.
  • To save your optimized image, click OK. In the Save Optimized As dialog box, type a filename, and click Save.

How to add images to OpenLab

Resize Images in OpenLab

Video Demo OpenLab Image Edit

Insert Images into a Post

Create a Gallery In a Post

Edit a Gallery In a Post

PhotoShop Video demo optimize images