InDesign Master pages
Step 1: open your Type book page
Save as   âlastname first name _masterâ
 We will work to create a master pages in InDesign
2. Add a footer to bottom left of your page from last week
text First name last name Type book
3. we will add a folio ( page number) in text box bottom right
Create new text box box
top menu.type>Insert Special Character>Marker> Current Page Number
This will automatically add page number to any document
4. select your page icon in pages window, drag it up to master page window
This creates a new master page.
Try it out drag it back down in pages to see what happens
Create New Master pages
1: Double Click On The Master Page To Activate It.
Now that youâve selected your master pages, you can adjust and create grid vertical columns by going to your menu and selecting (Layout > Margins and Columns).
2 Now that you have your vertical columns set, itâs time to create your horizontal modules for your grid.
Add horizontal guides to create a modular grid by going back to menu select (Layout > Create Guides).
3 Insert new pages into your document with your new master pages. Select master page icons for pages menu and drag them in pages layout window
4 Export you document as a PDF select the
âVisible Guides and Gridsâ option to show your grid in PDF name it âlastname first name _grid _master .pdf
Upload to Openlab media library