Type Talk Discussion – Covers Fenda Edições


A place where we talk about type

Discussion, comments, critiques, opinions on type Throughout  the semester  typographic works  related to projects and assignments will be posted. Students will comment in live synchronous class discussions to try and identify or answer questions related to posted content. Can also be assigned as homework assignments. This is part of class participation grade.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will reinforce the typographic principles of the course through observation and critiques  of current work examples in typographic industry.
  • Students will develop a sense of current typography trends and be able to discus them with relevant terminology


  • Go to this link
  • Select one of the book cover designs you think work the best
  • Post image to media library “lastname firstname_TT_cover. jpg”
  • Comment: Which do you feel works better in terms of legibility and layout
    Look at contrast, scale, negative space, hierarchy.

Gallery to add images to below

Some covers from project


Due Date(s)

  • Due during class sessions or by  class meeting time as indicated.


How to create an image for web usage
Optimize a JPEG JPEG is the standard format for compressing photographs.
• Open an image and choose File > Save For Web.
• Choose JPEG from the optimization format menu.
• Specify the compression level:Choose  quality option medium from the pop‑up menu under the optimization format menu. The higher the Quality setting, the more detail is preserved in the optimized image, but the larger the file size.
• View the optimized image at several quality settings to determine the best balance between quality and file size.
• Select Progressive to display the image progressively in a web browser; that is, to display it first at a low resolution, and then at progressively higher resolutions as downloading proceeds.
• To save your optimized image, click OK. In the Save Optimized As dialog box, type a filename, and click Save.

How to add images to OpenLab
From your mobile device
“Image Size” app Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.vsmedia.imagesize&hl=en_US  
“Image Size”  IOS App Store  https://apps.apple.com/us/app/image-size/id670766542  

Resize Images in OpenLab
Most digital cameras and  phones are likely to be set to take images that are vastly larger than a user of a computer screen is likely to need

Insert Images into a Post

Create a Gallery In a Post
Edit a Gallery In a Post

How to create an image for web usage
Optimize a JPEG JPEG is the standard format for compressing photographs.
• Open an image and choose File > Save For Web.
• Choose JPEG from the optimization format menu.
• Specify the compression level:Choose  quality option medium from the pop‑up menu under the optimization format menu. The higher the Quality setting, the more detail is preserved in the optimized image, but the larger the file size.
• View the optimized image at several quality settings to determine the best balance between quality and file size.
• Select Progressive to display the image progressively in a web browser; that is, to display it first at a low resolution, and then at progressively higher resolutions as downloading proceeds.
• To save your optimized image, click OK. In the Save Optimized As dialog box, type a filename, and click Save.

How to add images to OpenLab
From your mobile device
“Image Size” app Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.vsmedia.imagesize&hl=en_US  
“Image Size”  IOS App Store  https://apps.apple.com/us/app/image-size/id670766542  

Resize Images in OpenLab
Most digital cameras and  phones are likely to be set to take images that are vastly larger than a user of a computer screen is likely to need

Insert Images into a Post

Create a Gallery In a Post
Edit a Gallery In a Post

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1 thought on “Type Talk Discussion – Covers Fenda Edições

  1. Pingback: Class 08 | COMD1127 Type and Media OL39

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