Category: Help (Page 2 of 2)

Projects Schedule

PROJECT 1: Video

  1. by Tuesday September 7th, 6pm, the first text also called pitch (about half page).
  2. by Sunday September 12th, 1pm, the updated pitch or screenplay.
  3. by Sunday September 19th, 1pm, your YouTube video link.
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Writing and Grammar Tips

Since this is a writing intensive class, the department has compiled a few text recommendations and online sites to help you polish the prose for this class and for all of your classes.

Classic Writing Guides

  • Rules of Thumb
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Design Publications

Here is a list of publications and other sources for you to use for your research for this class and all of your classes. And don’t forget about books. They can be searched for using your library’s databases. Start your … Read More

Grading Policy

Each projects will be graded 2 times.

The first is for your first draft and the second for the final.

  • GRADE 1: I will be paying attention to your initial ideas and researches. I will give you feedback and
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