Category: Help (Page 1 of 2)

How to create your ePortfolio

OpenLab is built with WordPress as is your ePortfolio. Below you’ll see a series of videos tutorials to help you start setting it up. You can see screenshots to help you with the steps to follow.

A quick intro to
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How To Write a Good Paper

Definition of the word Write from the Thesaurus Dictionary:

1. put in writing, write down, put down, put in black and white, commit to paper, jot down, note, note down, make a note of, set down, take down, mark down, record, register, log, list, make a list of, inscribe, sign, scribble, scrawl, pencil.

2. compose, draft, create, invent, think up, draw up, formulate, compile, put together, pen, dash off, produce.… Read More

Intro To Web

Just a few words on how websites work. It will help you understand the complexity of the World Wide Web.

Unless you want to have a career as a web developer, you don’t need to learn HTML, Java script and … Read More

Quizzes Schedule

This schedule can change, I will keep you posted if it happens.

QUIZ 1: Tuesday September 28th from 6 to 7.30pm in OpenLab


  • How to tell a story in a few seconds
  • Digital Video and Audio introduction


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