Author: George Garrastegui, Jr (Page 5 of 11)

Welcome to Spring 2021

We hope you have had a productive first week of classes. Since classes continue to be virtual, we wanted to provide some information to you all regarding questions that have been coming up regularly in student emails:

Please reach out to your professor via email if you have had trouble locating your classes. Professors are sending links and zoom invites through your campus email. If you have had trouble accessing your campus email, please contact the Student help desk listed on the colleges Learn Anywhere page  There are other resources on this page to assist you with your online classes. 

Contacting your Professors

If you still need to reach out to a professor for any reason, City Tech professor’s emails follow a consistent structure: first initial, last name followed by So, for example, Professor Douglas Davis’s email is, and Professor Goetz’s email is If you are unsure of how to contact a particular professor or have not been able to reach them via email, please email the department’s administrative staff at and and they will assist you in contacting the professor. 

Visit the Department’s online Advisement Page on OpenLab

Please join this site on OpenLab and you will begin to get announcements posted on that page with regard to advisement issues, COMD virtual events, etc.

Technical Issues?

We also have a site set up by our department’s CLTs to address the technical issues as they arise. This site is Please note that this is a post on there addressing the recent issue about access to the Adobe Creative Cloud that many of you have emailed faculty about this week. 

Classes cannot be added or changed at this point in time. 

Registration for Spring 2021 officially ended last week as per the academic calendar that is posted on the college’s website at  We have reached out to students who emailed the department about non-contributory classes and the deadline for resolving these was last week on February 5th. Non-contributory class emails come from the registrar and they relate to courses for which students are registered that, for various reasons, are not covered under TAP or financial aid. For example, courses taken during the winter session are not covered by TAP.  If you have concerns about your classes for next semester or about something that doesn’t look correct to you on your degree audit, please see an advisor during the office hours listed on the COMD Advisement page (see above. 

We hope you all have enjoyed the long weekend coming up and we are excited to be back in our virtual classrooms and seeing you all again. 

Warm Regards on a Chilly Winter Day, 

Professor Davis and the COMD Faculty, CLTs and Staff

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