Follow the link above and the instructions under “City Tech Active Directory (AD)”. Review the section for students (as listed below.)

Student AD
All students are assigned a City Tech AD account. The student AD account provides access to a variety of computing resources and online services.

You can use your City Tech AD credentials to access the following systems:

  • City Tech wireless
  • City Tech Virtual G600
  • Labstats
  • OCIS Campus Lab Computers

Self-Service Password Reset for Student

Some of the advantages of Self-Service Password Reset are:

  • Empower all users to proactively and securely self-reset / change login passwords with ease from the web portal.
  • Ensure security by certifying each user during the process.
  • Notify users on soon to expire password.
  • Users have the choice to set responses to predefine questions to confirm the identity.

Example for Students logging into OCIS Labs:
Student Email:
Computer Login Username: NYCCT\Jane.Doe
Password: Password created in SSPR