Organizational Meeting for 2014-15 College Council

The Organization Meeting for College Council 2014-15 will take place on Tuesday, May 13 at 1:00pm in the Atrium Theater.

The Committee on Committee will conduct elections for the officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Parliamentarian) for next year’s council.  After electing the officers, the Standing Committee will meet to elect their Chair and Secretary for next academic year.  Members of the Committee on Committees will conduct the elections in the following locations:

Budget: Namm 310

Building and Grounds – Namm 805

Curriculum – Namm 318

Legislative – Atrium Amphitheater

Personnel – Namm 506

Students – Namm 300

Technology – Atrium Amphitheater

I sent out a list of the Standing Committee assignment with the meeting notice.  Their will be hard copies at the meeting.

Thanks to the Committee on Committees for their work:

Jason Montgomery, Costas Panayotakis, Maria Pagano, and Peter Parides

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