Special Election Personnel Appeals Committee, School of the Arts and Sciences.

An email was sent on Thursday, October 6 from the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations announcing a special election for a School of the Arts and Science representative to the Personnel Appeals Committee.  The nomination period opened Friday Oct 7 and runs through Wednesday, October 26.  The election will be held on the week of November 7, 2016.

Any tenured Associate or Full Professor from the School of Arts and Sciences is eligible to serve a two-year term.  The representative does not have to be a member of College Council.  For those who want more information on the exact charge of the committee, consult the Independent Committees tab on this website’s menu.

Anyone in LAS interested in running and serving, please consult the Special Election Memorandum attached to the Oct 7 email for more details on how to file a nomination with OFSR.  (I have also attached a copy to our Project File page. )

A nomination petition form for the required ten signatures was attached as well.  You can directly download a copy of nomination petitions from the OFSR webpage at:


Results of the election will be posted on this site.