PowerPoint and Homework: Oct. 3rd


Here is the link to the PowerPoint


Read “Wikipedia Pops Up in Bibliographies” by Larry Gordon and write a response to the questions on OpenLab.

    • What did you think of this text? Explain! Don’t worry if you don’t like it, you won’t hurt my feelings! Be honest! 
    • What is it mostly about? Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Be specific. Refer to the text itself. Use quotes even! 
    • What is the genre of the text? What is the tone?
    • Who do you think is the intended audience of the piece? Who is meant to read this text?
    • What do you think is the purpose of this text? Why do you think the author wrote it?
    • What about using Wikipedia? When is it a good idea to use Wikipedia? How might you not want to use Wikipedia? 
    • Will this article help you with your research?



  1. Abdul-baset

    I think it was important to read it, I might not quite like it due that it is not the type of writings I enjoy reading but I think there are a hidden message in it that needed to be addressed.

    In my point of view It was mainly about whether Wikipedia is a benefiting source to get information from or should be avoided and not worth to be taken seriously. according to the report (Wikipedia Pops Up in Bibliographies and Even College Assignments) ” Ani Schug was told to steer clear of Wikipedia. Her teachers talked about the popular online encyclopedia “as if it wasn’t serious or trustworthy” and suggested it only be used as a tip sheet” ( Larry Gordon, page 952) .

    I think the genre of this report writing is a Expository Writing, and the tone is Informative.

    the intended Audience can be writers and college students.

    I think the purpose is to share a research and discuss it which is the use of Wikipedia.

    in my opinion there is no harm on using Wikipedia to just get some information but no to depend or rely on it as a trusted sources and that’s due the mistakes and incompleteness that it might have, according to the report ” Even with complaints of mistakes and incompleteness, Wikipedia has a powerful reach” ( Wikipedia Pops Up in Bibliographies and Even College Assignments, page 954). However

    I think this will help me in my research when looking for researching.

  2. Genesis Zavala

    This type of text was hard for me to read because its boring and I didn’t find interesting

      whether Wikipedia is a useful source of knowledge or whether it should be dismissed and not given serious attention.And how the students find it difficult to make a essay about it 

    The tone is informative and I’m not sure about the genre 

    The audience for this text is for teachers and students 

    I think the purpose of the text is to be careful where you get your information from 

    When using wikipedia for the death, birthday, zodiac and other things.

    A little bit but I’m not sure if its going to help

  3. Zeyin Wu

    I think this text is good. I feel quite easy to read while reading.

    It is talking about Wikipedia is a qualified source of information or not. And whether students can use Wikipedia as one of the sources of their own writing.

    genre is expository writing. The tone is Informative.

    The intended audience is all students and teachers.

    Since Wikipedia is editable by everyone, the author wants to discuss whether Wikipedia can be a reliable source of information for people writing, and what if someone fakes it in Wikipedia.

    I think Wikipedia is pretty good. When I don’t know a thing in particular, I first look up Wikipedia to roughly confirm the definition of the thing. But I don’t use Wikipedia when I want to learn more and deep.

    I think this article help me with my research.

  4. Diana Caizaguano

    -I personally think that the text was very informal and interesting. It contains valid information which could be very useful for any student that is college or simply for anymore who is writing an important paper since Wikipedia provides very useful information.

    -The text is mainly about Wikipedia. where people post their work and anyone can write and edit while being anonymous. Wikipedia started in 2001 and since then it has been around by being an important website where people are becoming better prepared for a future of digital information.

    -The genre of the text is informative and Expository,

    -I think the intended audience are college students, teacher and for anyone who writes about informative subjects.

    The purpose of the text is inform college students how Wikipedia could be a very reliable source where you could look up information or even get feed back if you upload your writing.

    -According to the text it stated “Wikipedia gets well written articles from students who are studying the topics and have access to the best literature on the subject and the expertise of professors who can guide them as well” This basically means that Wikipedia is very reliable website. The author wrote this to let other people how Wikipedia should be used.

    -Wikipedia should be used whenever trying to look for information or when you need any feed back on a writing piece. Wikipedia should not be used to say anything not related to the topic or even posting false information since it was website where many people go to get answers or information to their questions

    – Yes, this article will help me with my research.

  5. Jiamei Chen

    I think the text it’s pretty good. It’s exciting and easy to read. This article is based on, Wikipedia. Some students find it hard to read, and some don’t. The genre is expository writing. The tone is Informative. The audience text is mainly for teachers and students. I think Wikipedia is good. You can use Wikipedia when providing instant access to knowledge on nearly every topic imaginable. Wikipedia is not considered scholarly. People have created and edited pages to drive traffic to other websites. Yes, this article will help me with my research.

  6. Alex Maldonado

    1. This text was ok. It got a little boring towards the end but for me it was an eye opener because I always was told by teachers that don’t go to Wikipedia for information because it’s an unreliable source so that part kept me a little intrigued.
    2. This passage is mostly about the views of Wikipedia. It is seen as unreliable and in the early stages anybody was allow to post on these pages so it’s called for. But this passage outlines the behind the scenes work of college students and well educated scholars and professors that actually put effort into making this as reliable as possible.
    3. This is an informative piece and the genre is expository.
    4. I think the intended audience is students just like us.
    5. The purpose is to give us the reader and student a source in which we thought was unreliable and gives us a different perspective that can now help us in research papers.
    6. Personally I think Wikipedia has some solid information. I don’t think it should be your first source and I also tend to use it and fact check just in case in other sources. I think it’s overall a good source that has to be use with a filter.
    7. This passage made me more confident in the reliability of Wikipedia so I’d use it.
  7. Miguel

    1. I like this text because it is interesting and show how important Wikipedia is to researchers.

       2.  This text is mostly telling us why is it important to use Wikipedia as a research tool and what the positive and negative impacts using Wikipedia can have. 

       3. The genre of this text is an essay and the tone is informative.

       4. I think the intended audience of this text is students, teachers, the people that are looking for information or doing a research project.

       5. I think the purpose of this text is to share a great and reliable source tool with people that are looking for information.

    6. Yes, they will help me with my research project because it just provided me with a reliable source tool.

  8. Kiana Rodnell

    I think this text is good and it had an easy flow which made it an easy to follow.

    The article is talking Wikipedia and if it is a qualified source of information or not. And whether students can use Wikipedia as one of the sources of their own writing.

    The genre of this is expository writing. The tone is Informative.

    The intended audience is all students and teachers.

    Since Wikipedia is editable by everyone, the author wants to discuss whether Wikipedia can be a reliable source of information for people writing,

    I think Wikipedia is pretty good. When I don’t know a thing in particular, The first thing I do when looking up something is turn to Wikipedia

    I think this article help me with my research.

  9. Nusrat zahan

    I thought it was nice and it was easy to read but it was just a tiny bit boring.

    It’s mostly about Wikipedia and whether it’s a good source or not and if it’s credible because anybody can edit it. It talks about the positives and the negatives of Wikipedia. And how Wikipedia is popular and it’s something that you cannot ignore.

    The genre of this text is essay and the tone is informational.

    I think the intended audience for this piece is the students, professors, teachers, And people that have a negative view of Wikipedia.

    I think the purpose of this text is to make people understand that it’s not a bad source and it’s quite difficult to even write for Wikipedia. It’s very hard and on top of that, it’s being edited by people so it’s a pretty good source.

    I think it’s a good idea to use Wikipedia as it is usually the first thing that pops up and it gives you a lot of information about the topic.

    Yes, I think this article will help me with my research.

  10. Yudenys Cepeda

    1. I found it long and boring. However, I did learn a few things about weekapidia, I used to have a perception that the information used there Is fake or unrealistic.
    2. Its about  Wikipedia and how recoursful it can be. Its a controversial topic because in wikipedia people can upload information that is not neccersarly revised. But even so, it has become the number one search bar for basic information.
    3. The genre is Expository Writing, and the tone is Informative.
    4. Students, teachers and wikipedia users are the intended audience.
    5. I think the purpose of this text is to inform us about how useful wikipedia could be. Its reliability and how we could implement the information being presented.
    6. I find it reliable for a research papers or when researching an individual.
    7. Yes I think it would help me with my research project.
  11. Dillon.D

    • This type of text was hard for me to read because it was boring, and I didn’t find it interesting. 
    • The text is mainly about Wikipedia. where people post their work, and anyone can write and edit while being anonymous. It is seen as unreliable and was misguided by many readers for real information.  
    • The genre of this piece is expository writing. The tone is informative. 
    • The intended audience for this piece is writers and first-year college students. 
    • The author wants to discuss whether or not if Wikipedia can be a reliable source of information. 
    • A little bit but I’m not sure if its going to help 
  12. Muhammad Khalid

    I found the text to be quite informative, I wouldn’t read this type of text normally, but it was able to explain to me how informative Wikipedia can be.  


    The text was mainly arguing if Wikipedia is a reliable source. It also argued whether students should use Wikipedia as a source.  


    I believe the genre of this text is expository. And the tone informative.  


    The intended audience for this piece is students & teachers. 


    The author wants to spread awareness on reliable and unreliable sources that can be found on the internet, so no student can use unreliable sources to spread false information.  


    Wikipedia is a great source to get rowdy information, but I wouldn’t use it to get confirmation on a certain topic or argument.  

    Yes it will help me with my research.  

  13. Jenna

    The text wasn’t really interesting because I don’t usually read texts like this, but it was informative. It can be useful to whoever wants to use Wikipedia.

    The text was basically about whether Wikipedia is a useful source or not. The text argues about the positives and negatives on Wikipedia.

    I think the genre of the text is an essay and the tone is informative.

    The purpose of the text is to show that Wikipedia can be used as a reliable source. It can be very useful when trying to find information.

    I think Wikipedia is a good source to use to find any more information that you need for your topic. I don’t think it should be your number one source since it can be edited by anyone.

    yes, I do think this article will help me with my research.

  14. Chandi

    I liked this text because we got an experience from a student which can be relatable. This text is mostly about wether wikipedia is a good source for information or if it should be avoided. Ani Schug’s teacher told her to not use wikipedia because it wasn’t trustworthy. But she had to write an entry for wikipedia which she found difficult to do. The genre is an expository essay, and the tone is informative. This piece was intended for students. The purpose of this text was to inform students that Wikipedia can be used for research when you know how to use it correctly. Wikipedia is good to use just to get an idea of somebody but if you need in depth information it should be your first option. This article will definitely help with my research. 

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