All Writing is Autobiography By Donald Murray (Response)

In this essay Donald Murray talks about how every piece of writing one person produce is a expression of themselves as a writer and therefore can be considered a Autobiography, when we write something we put (consciously or unconsciously) a piece of ourselves and our personality in our work.

Based on Murray’s Idea, writing is something you open yourself with, making every piece you work on part of yourself and your identity. Oxford Languages define biography as “an account of a person’s life written by that person.” which matches the point that Murray express on this essay.

Reading this essay changed my mind in terms of writing and reading, it made me feel like everything I have wrote is a part of myself and everything I have read is like being in another person’s mind

Murray’s point of view reflects a interesting mindset in terms of writing, However I believe that there is plenty of writers that just create things spontaneously without being necessarily connected with them as a person. 

Despite of my like for reading stories, I’m not a person that writes very often, and when I do is because I like to put my feelings and worries on paper in order to let them go, so based on Murray’s essay my writing is very much Autobiography.

1 Comment

  1. Rebekah Coleman

    Linneth, I love how you looked up the definition of autobiography and included it. I think it really strengthens your argument. I also love that you said that reading the piece changed your mind “in terms of reading and writing.” The goal of this class is to read lots of different people and to find inspiration from lots of different writers. I would love it if you would discuss how you find Murray inspirational as a reader or writer in our next discussion. Thanks!

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