Something I remember being very interested about when I was younger was music. My interest for music began in elementary class when I was put in a music class, I learned to play the violin and had a fun and entertaining time in doing so. Music was something I    saw myself doing on the side. As I started to get older I asked my dad to have more private lessons regarding the violin because it was something I had eventually grown to love. I regret dropping this interest because looking back I really did enjoy it and I currently wished I still played. However, as school became more difficult for me in middle school I began to skip some violin classes for tutoring. Little by little, I no longer attended these classes. I would like to take up this interest once again due to how much I    previously enjoyed playing it. Over the years my interest has changed to computers. The education system has played a positive role in this interest because I was able to learn much about computers in high school and follow through with this passion. In high school, I was able to learn computer repair and find my love of computer hardware. It has helped me realize that following through with a passion in computers is something I wanted to do in life.  I am now able to follow this passion with me in college, and hopefully for the rest of my life. Through this passion I was able to find and obtain a job at a tech company as a network engineer. This job has helped me prepare for the real world as well as gain much more experience onsite to apply to my education as well as my future.  I am able to learn from different people different topics as well as techniques that are applicable in my everyday life.