Winter 2022 | Professors Julian Costa & Rebecca Olerich

Reflection #4

Now that you are midway through the workshop, what questions do you have about becoming a college student? Write down what these four questions are (HINT: Review your notes about asking good questions from Session 3).


  1. Jesus

    Will I get a map of the college buildings soon?

    How do I get myself a tutor?

    Does City Tech have sports events?

    Is it okay to carry around tape recorders during college lectures?

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Hi Jesus! These are great questions!
      1, There is a map of the college on the city tech website! Search “map” in the city tech website for a map of the campus. Also, keep an eye on your city tech email because you will have the opportunity to sign up for a tour of the campus before the semester starts!
      2, There are several ways to get tutoring depending on the class that you need tutoring for. 1 or 2 weeks into the semester, a comprehensive tutoring schedule will be posted that has a lot of information about tutoring for many classes. You can either drop into one of the tutoring hours or you can sign up for one-on-one tutoring. A good way to find more information on tutoring once the semester starts is to search “tutoring” on the city tech website.
      3, City Tech has a recreation and intramural department that handles sports and the fitness center. Take a look at their page on the website for more information on City Tech sports.
      4, I would always ask someone’s permission before recording them. Some professors will be okay with it, some professors might not be.

  2. LeAnn

    Is there a limit to the amount of times you can change your major ?

    Since i’m starting in the spring, do i have to attend school during the summer or can i take that semester off and start my next one in the fall ?

    Do professors hire students ?

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Hi LeAnn,
      1, I’m don’t think there’s a limit (I would email the registrar’s office to make sure), but the more times you change your major, the more time you’ll have to spend at City Tech and more money that would be. So I would highly recommend changing as little as possible. A good way to figure out if you are in the right major is to talk to older students within the major and ask the types of things they do and see if it’s something that you would enjoy. Another tip is to search up your dream job and look at what the job description and requirements are for that job. That could also give you insight into which major would be best to prepare you for that job.
      2, you do not have to attend school in the summer. It can be helpful though because there are some courses that are only offered in the fall that have prerequisites that you may not have taken in the spring. You can take that prerequisite over the summer so you would be eligible for the class in the fall. I would highly recommend filling out a degree planner to try to plan your time at City Tech so you know when you need to take what classes and when you might want to consider taking summer classes. The degree planner can be found here: and you can use the information on the college catalog or your department’s page to see which classes you need to take

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      3, there are programs within City Tech in which you can receive a stipend for doing research with a professor. Keep an eye out on your city tech email because this information is usually sent out within the semester

  3. Rosalina Lopez

    What are the best scholarships or programs for Nursing?
    How can I get a Bachelors in nursing and use that to become a PA?
    Does the nursing program offer work placement?
    How do I know what classes are required for BS in Nursing?

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Hi Rosalina! These are really great questions that I don’t really have the answer to. I would definitely email an advisor in the nursing department or browse through the nursing department page on the City Tech website for more information. It’s great that you’re thinking ahead about what you want to do and achieve!

  4. Noorshad Jahan

    How do I know what classes I should take next?

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Definitely make sure to talk to an academic advisor about the courses you should take next. You can also look at the department website, academic catalogue and your degreeworks. All the information about this is in the academics section of the city tech website

  5. geovany flores

    can I get a new ID in case I lost it?

    Who should I contact if I want to change my degree?

    Are most of the classes going to be in person this coming up semester?

    is there more workshop throughout the semester?

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Hi Geovany,
      1, yes you can get a new ID. It will be a $15 charge though. You can find more information about this by searching “student ID” on the city tech website and looking at the FAQs.
      2, this information would go through the registrar’s office. There is a “Change of Curriculum” form to fill out and submit which you can find by searching “change on curriculum” on the city tech website
      3, yes most classes will be either in person or hybrid this semester. You can check whether your classes will be in person or virtual through your schedule on CUNYFirst
      4, The CT 101 workshop you are currently in ends on Thursday, January 13th. But throughout the semester, several offices such as the Student Life and Development Office and the Professional Development Office will have short (1 hour) workshops that you can attend. This information is sent to your City Tech email.

  6. Hannah Collazo

    Can city tech help me get a job
    How to find a tutor
    What clubs does city tech have and are clubs still meeting because of covid

    • Hannah Collazo

      does city tech have any culinary programs?

      • Ngozi Okonkwo

        Yup! We’ve already discussed this, but as a reminder- City Tech has a Hospitality Management department that I could recommend looking into and speaking with

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Hi Hannah!
      1, City Tech has a Professional Development Center whose whole purpose is to help you find an internship or job within your field! You can find more information and how to contact them by searching “professional development center” on the City Tech website.
      2, There are several ways to get tutoring depending on the class that you need tutoring for. 1 or 2 weeks into the semester, a comprehensive tutoring schedule will be posted that has a lot of information about tutoring for many classes. You can either drop into one of the tutoring hours or you can sign up for one-on-one tutoring. A good way to find more information on tutoring once the semester starts is to search “tutoring” on the city tech website.
      3, all the clubs and student organizations at City Tech are listed on a platform called The Yellow Jacket Journey (the yellow jacket is the City Tech mascot). Here is the link! You have to sign in with your city tech login. You can browse the different clubs and click “join” to join the club! Throughout covid, clubs have been meeting virtually. I believe they will continue to do so this semester, but you can reach out to the president of the club to ask!

  7. Lauren

    Where to find clubs and join?
    Who do you report to should you receive a spam message in your school email?

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Hey Lauren!
      1, all the clubs and student organizations at City Tech are listed on a platform called The Yellow Jacket Journey (the yellow jacket is the City Tech mascot). Here is the link! You have to sign in with your city tech login. You can browse the different clubs and click “join” to join the club!
      2, This is a great question. I normally just ignore the spam messages, but there should be an option in your email where you can mark the email as junk or even block the sender
      3, I also found more information on where to upload your immunization information:

    • Aneeza Hussain

      1. You can search for clubs in the city tech website and open lab both have a bunch of different clubs.
      2. You can block that email and hit the “report” button

  8. Tray

    1. How often do people join clubs in city tech?
    2. Are there any direct businesses that are connected to jobs.
    3. How often do people get internships while in school
    4. How many classes can you take up in a semester
    5. What’s the best way to balance school work and multiple clubs

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