Final Report Outline– BV


How has Advertising developed over time? How does it keep developing


Intro: Advertising has drastically changed in strategy over time and continuing to change



P1: Background based off history in Advertising 

  • The beginning/ first to start creating Ads
  • How it worked and was it beneficial

P2: Where we are now..

  • Explaining drastic changes/perspectives
  • New Technology and influence 
  • Results ( positive/negative)

P3: What will be the next step to advertising 

  • Arising Advertisement strategies 

Conclusion: Summary and Development of Advertising


  1. Prof. Childers

    Belen, this sounds like a report on advertising, you need to start with a statement.
    Please resubmit.

  2. Prof. Childers

    This does not fulfill the assignment.

    The design work that you address should be
    “a project completed in the past 40 years, with a definite form and scope.”

    Your research should explore the relationship between
    1: specific theories
    2: and the contemporary design that puts these theories into practice.

    You do not need to limit your research to a singular work, but it is not an examination of a designer’s full career.

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