Final Report Topic – NV


The temple of the Parthenon was built in the 5th century B.C. and was dedicated to the Goddess of Wisdom Athena. The designers were architects Iktinos and Kallikrates who created the temple of Parthenon which did the largest Doric temple on the Greek mainland. However, a sculptor named Phidias created the statue of Athina in the temple of the Parthenon. The temple was destroyed multiple times by war and looting from important marbles and artifacts were sold by collectors. Parthenon became ruins it doesn’t mean has forgotten the ancient history of Greece will always be remembered for the earthquakes, fire, wars, explosions, and looting yet remains although battered, a powerful symbol of ancient Greece and Athenian culture.



When the temple was built?

Who are the Architects who design the blueprint and the temple of the Parthenon?

When was the Persian War? and Why? 


Paragraph Two

Who was the sculptor? Why did created of Athena? What is the purpose?

Why was destroyed or looted?

Why did the Periklis want to rebuild the temple?


Paragraph Three

Why the temple were exploited for the reason?

Who still has the important piece of marble from the temple?

Where is the artifact located?



Parthenon still remains in ruins in Athens will always remember the people in Athens who had rebuilt and restored in the century and had been destroyed by an explosion and still standing. Parthenon is a center of religious life in the powerful Greek city of Athens it was the symbol of the power wealth and elevated culture of Athens.


  1. Prof. Childers

    Hello, this still reads as a report. Your statement should be something like the the comments in your third paragraph:
    Why the temple was exploited for the reason?
    Why does it matter.

  2. Prof. Childers

    The design work that you address should be
    “a project completed in the past 40 years, with a definite form and scope.”

    Your research should explore the relationship between
    1: specific theories
    2: and the contemporary design that puts these theories into practice.

    You do not need to limit your research to a singular work, but it is not an examination of a designer’s full career.

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