The topic for my final report would be about the way technology has been taking control over our lives whiteout we even notice and is now impossible to disconnect from it, even if we try at a very young age with kids.
Class Sessions
Class meeting: Tuesday 11:30-2:00
Room: P122
Office hours: Tuesday 2-3:00
or by appointment
Prof. Childers
Hypothesis group: 3504 s22
published writing
research journal template
writing resource
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Ursula C. Schwerin Library
New York City College of Technology, C.U.N.Y
300 Jay Street, Library Building - 4th Floor
This course was created by: Prof. Childers, Prof. Matthew C. Lange, Jenna Spevack
It is based on the following course(s): COMD 3504 by Prof. Matthew C. Lange
published writing
research journal template
writing resource
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