Reading Response 6 – CCV

Every artists in this industry has their own way of expression. Each and every one of them has a different way of coming up with an idea. All creators and graphic designers are from different countries with different cultural backgrounds. During the mid 1900s, the amount of African American graphic designers slowly began to rise. The work provided by African American designers is different compared to other designers. The artworks appear to be more modern with much more emphasis. In the article “Creating the African-American Practitioners Absent From Way Too Many Classroom Lectures”, it talks about how slowly the artwork by African Americans have been appreciated by society. Even though some artists looked down upon these African American artists. The article says “Given that Modernist techniques in graphic design had become the aesthetic of commerce, they couldn’t avoid its heavy hand in their work.” This explains how African American designers would come out with expressive art. More modern and with such creative ideas to express themselves. 

There’s no end in the graphic design world. Over time, new artists will appear and will come out with new and innovative artworks. Everyone in this field should be open for new and upcoming artworks. One way to change the commercial design field in order to include diversity of voices and visions is to start advertising new ideas. For design companies to be open to new artwork. Everyone will have a different idea and come from different background. Let upcoming artists to explain their thought process behind their work. Every artwork is unique and should be welcomed into the design world. It may take some time for new artwork to be valued and looked up at; however, it should happen as time goes by. 

Apart from just designs being created, typefaces and fonts are also a part of the graphic design world. The way typefaces look in an artwork can determine whether or not the poster/artwork is good or not. Typography has always made an impact in the design world. There have been many typefaces that are dedicated to an individual. For example, “Martin, named after Martin Luther King, and William named after W.E.B. Du Bois, an American activist, writer, and historian.” In the past, it has been tough for designers to create a typefaces compared to the era that we are in today. Everything was done by hand and took a longer time for a typeface to be created and finished. Designers using certain typefaces would make a much bigger impact than others based on the typeface used. Typefaces will continue to be created and have better feedback with the use of the technology that we have today. 

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    This is a much better response, you made a clear transition to specific examples using typography!!


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