Hall, Sean. This Means This, This Means That: A User’s Guide to Semiotics, Laurence King Publishing, 2012. pgs 21-67.

  • How has language shaped design historically?
    We people use our language as a tool for communication with other people in history. Writers use words to communicate with their readers and designers use visual language to communicate with their users. Fonts, colors, shapes, visual elements, these are elements of design language.
  • Can visual design accomplish things that language cannot? Why?
    Visual design is to improve a design’s usability with suitable images, typography, space, layout, and color. Visual design is about more than aesthetics. Although the language is written words are to language, fonts, colors, shapes, and icons are to visual design. Writers use words to communicate with their readers, while designers use visual language to communicate with people.
  • How are signs, signifiers, and the signified employed in visual communication? Provide examples from contemporary or historical advertising.
    Signs are often thought to be composed of two inseparable elements: the signifier and the signified. One thing that is intriguing about the relationship between the signifier and the signified is that it can be arbitrary. For example, when I use the word “dog” in order to talk about a certain furry four-legged domestic creature, I employ a signifier that is arbitrary. The sound made by the word “dog,” when uttered, is intrinsically no better than the made-up sounds “sog,” “pog,” or “tog” for talking about this animal. (This Means This, This Means That Ch1 page 26)
  • How are non-literal devices used to convey meaning in advertising? Provide examples from contemporary or historical advertising that use simile, metaphor, metonym, synecdoche, irony, lies, impossibility, depiction, or representation.

    The purpose of a non-literary text is to impart information that, as a reader. Reading through a chapter of a textbook or document, and even though you were reading every word, for example advertisements, biographies, guide books, infographics, radio broadcasts, cartoons, magazine articles, travel writing and photographs.

Reading Response – Draft

The word “blind” is the carrier of the meaning. This is the signifier. The meaning of the word, on the other hand, is that which it signifies (e.g., that someone lacks sight). This suggests that the word “blind” is a signifier meaning blind is text, the other signifies you picturing a person who lost their sign.This could also imply the word “blind” signified a text made of symbols of dots called Braille and could help people who lost their sign. The adjective, blind·er, blind·est. unable to see; having severely impaired or absolutely no sense of sight; sightless: a blind man. unwilling or unable to perceive or understand: They were blind to their children’s faults. The word “blind” presents symbols of dots it’s called Braille relating the sign, signified and signifier has of the meaning of Braille is a system of reading and writing by touch used by the blind. It consists of arrangements of dots that make up letters of the alphabet, numbers, and punctuation marks. There were words is transformed into dots to create symbols of word blind which is signified, helping people who had lost their sign the feeling of the fingertips represents signifier in text in their thoughts.

  • monogamous- https://post.greatist.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/05/1_13.jpg
  • Interjections- An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses something in a sudden or exclamatory way, especially an emotion. Yikes, uh-oh, ugh, oh boy, and ouch are common examples of interjections. Example: There was a chorus of angry interjections when the people in the audience heard that their taxes would be going up. (it’s close related to onomatopeia).
  • Onomatopoeia- Onomatopoeia came into English via Late Latin and ultimately traces back to Greek onoma, meaning “name,” and poiein, meaning “to make.” (Onoma can be found in such terms as onomastics, which refers to the study of proper names and their origins, while poiein gave us such words as poem and poet.)