Tag Archives: research project

Presentation Order!

Alec Guinness and George Lucas on the of Star Wars (1977)
Alec Guinness and George Lucas on the of Star Wars (1977)

Below is a list of the presentation order. You get a chance to introduce your classmates to your director in a 5-minute presentation.Ā  Don’t forget to submit your paper on Blackboard by Tuesday 5/10 night at midnight.

Film Presentations

  1. Nelsy Alonso
  2. Luis Garcia
  3. Nadeem Shabana
  4. Ese Abamwa
  5. Eddy Garcia
  6. David Perez
  7. Olivia Guitterez
  8. Raymond Jimenez
  9. Melvin Pantaleon
  10. Shawn Cuffy
  11. Christopher Ally
  12. Ahmed Abdulla
  13. Anjali Rawat
  14. Paul Inderjit
  15. Issa Mohsen
  16. Carlos Garlarza
  17. Bryan Carranza
  18. Hao Huang
  19. Cesar Sanchez
  20. Cody Hunte
  21. Bin Bin Zheng
  22. Woodrow Woytovich
  23. Jasmine Dominguez
  24. Yahir Smith
  25. Natalie Rodriguez