Interested in Extra Credit? You can complete a maximum of 2 of the following extra credit options. The extra credit points will be added to your final grade average.
DUE DATE: in class Tuesday May 17th (last lecture), you are welcome to submit extra credit early.
1. Screen a movie at the Film Forum in Tribeca, write a 1-2 page synopsis of the film and submit with your admission ticket. (3 points)
2. Screen a movie at the Anthology Film Archives in the East Village, write a 1-2 page synopsis of the film and submit with your admission ticket. (3 points)
3. Visit the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria Queens (it’s free on Fridays 4-8 pm) and write a 2-page review of an exhibition (i.e., Mad Men’s Movie Influences) or screen a film and submit with your admission ticket or brochure. (5 points)
Extra Credit assignments must be submitted in class and via SafeAssign on Blackboard. The same SafeAssign criteria for papers applies to extra credit assignments too.Â