Tag Archives: Jumpcuts

Homework # 3 Jump Cuts Snatch



A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. This type of edit gives the effect of jumping forwards in time. It is a manipulation of temporal space using the duration of a single shot, and fracturing the duration to move the audience ahead. One of the very best examples of this is in the film “Snatch”  This film’s jump cuts go very well with the main point of the opening scene which is chaos.  I love how the movie jumps right into the action as opposed to a lot of other films that want to ease you into the action. The jump cuts also represent the fast pace movement that the main characters have to make because they are in the middle of a robbery

Homework #3 “The Battleship Potemkin” -Anjali

Jump cuts in editing is a type of editing where the transition between each scene that is abrupt and somewhat lacks in continuity. It’s usually cut in a brief manner between shots and can be represented differently, depending on the content. It can be for a montage, it can show time passing by, it can show certain events and more. A perfect example of a film that contains such editing is “The Battleship Potemkin”, directed by Sergei Eisenstein. There is a famous scene in this film where there are explosions from multiple architectures. Meanwhile, there’s rapid cuts to some cupid statues and then to the lions. The expressions from each lion statue shown vary from cut to cut. As the explosions get wilder and wilder, the expressions on the lion’s faces gets more and more terrified. This montage is done to show how extreme the surroundings are. It is also done to portray creativity with the editing by the usage of rapid cuts and the style of jump cutting. In addition, the way that the props were utilized and filmed in this scene is also genius. Thus more proof of why this film remains iconic to this very day.