I think that it is amazing how some people can go back, deconstruct and revisit different locations of a film and compare it to the original look that was filmed. It’s clear to see, from the side by side video, that there has been some changes to some of the locations that has been made since the shooting days. From the videos there has been some remodeling done on certain buildings, some painting done, and some environmental changes. It’s really impressive how Attia can go to these Sonoma County and point out the various locations that were used to film “The Birds”. There must be a lot of preparation and research done to achieve this. The fact that it’s his hobby also adds to the quality of work he has put into this video. Everything is his work is so authentic all the way down to the small brief moments of the scene. He films the roads that Tippi Hedren drives on, to other smaller scenes by the bay.He’s also exposing and informing a lot of information for other fans of this film as well. It also makes other people further appreciate “The Birds” by being more knowledgeable and for others, a little nostalgic perhaps.
Tag Archives: Alfred Hitchcock
Homework #4: Filming Locations-Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’

In Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds (1963), a beautiful socialite Melanie Daniels (played by Tippi Hedren in her first film role) takes a trip from San Francisco to Bodega Bay in pursuit of Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor). Although Hitchcock preferred to film on a studio set, there are numerous location shots that highlight his love for San Francisco and the surrounding area. As a hobby, the California architect Hervé Attia produced a film short that revisits many of Hitchcock’s locations for The Birds. Watch Attia’s short film and a clip of the gas station scene. What do you think of “fan” movies like Attia’s that deconstruct films and revisit locations?
Watch Attia’s film location video here.
Watch the gas station sequence here.
Homework #4 is DUE by Tuesday, May 10 May 19th by midnight.
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