Monthly Archives: October 2017

Hw#2 Food and Coffee in the Civil War

After reading the articles, I found it very interesting that how coffee was so important to the soldiers during the war. Coffee is most people’s best friend. A lot people can’t start their day off without having coffee in the … Continue reading

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HW 2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

If I had a choice to give up coffee or food, I would choose to give up coffee due to its bitter taste. What surprises me about the soldiers’ diet is how unsanitary their food can be for them. Though, … Continue reading

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Hw#2 Food and Coffee in the Civil War

If I had a choice to choose between coffee and food, I would give up coffee, believe me I’m a coffee lover but under those circumstances like civil war and living as a soldier I would need a healthy diet … Continue reading

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Hw #2- Food And Coffee in the Civil War

Learning about the soldiers during the war was interesting. From learning about their  meals to how they survived. If I had a choice of giving up either coffee or food during the time of the civil war. I would give … Continue reading

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HW 2 Food and Coffee in the Civil War

If you had a choice, which would you give up? Food? Or coffee? For myself in the 21st century, my answer is coffee, but if I was living under the Civil War as a soldier, my answer is still the … Continue reading

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Reminder: Midterm is next TUES 10/17 at 10 AM

Judging from the number of latecomers in recent weeks, I’m posting this reminder that the Midterm will begin promptly next Tuesday. The Midterm is scheduled for 10/17 at 10 am and we will begin with the slide IDs (you can … Continue reading

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Vladislav Tregubov HW #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It’s got me through the worst of the last three years. Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager, “Hunters”) It was very interesting to read about the soldiers’ diet during the Civil War because I … Continue reading

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Weng HW #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

What I feel the most fascinating about the soldiers’ diet is that even with the severe food situation they are still not going to abandon coffee from their diet. Military contains tons of soldiers so the quality of food becomes … Continue reading

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Noura M. HW#2 food and coffee in the civil war

I found it really interesting that soldiers in the civil war drank coffee. Before reading this article I didn’t think that they had coffee with them in the battlefield. I always imagined that they only had food and water but … Continue reading

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Anthony Williams HW #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Food is what keeps us energized, especially certain kinds. Soldiers in the war barely had any time to rest and to always be on guard in day light. What I found surprising is their main go to resource was coffee. … Continue reading

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