Category Archives: Homework

Homework #4: Robert Frank’s America-LAST HW

For this homework assignment, please watch a short video on a recentĀ exhibition at Stanford University’s Cantor Center for Visual Arts. The exhibition highlighted Robert Frank’s seminal photography bookĀ The AmericansĀ (1958) and the photographs that didn’t make it into the publication. The … Continue reading

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HW#3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

Happy Thanksgiving! This week seems an appropriate time toĀ considerĀ color photography and the art of photographing food. Color is very important to creating an appetizing photograph but color photography was not accepted as an art form until the 1970s. William Eggleston … Continue reading

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HW #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

If you had a choice, which would you give up? Food? Or coffee? After looking at photography of the Civil War, we are reminded of the difficulties of producing photographs during war, especially with the wet-plate collodion process. To help … Continue reading

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HW 1: Photography, Selfies, and Cindy Sherman

For this homework you will need to create an account on the OpenLab. To get started follow the directions on the OpenLab’s Getting Started Page and to learn how to post your homework, please review my Blogging Guidelines located above. … Continue reading

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