
This is a tentative schedule the schedule will evolve as needed by the classes

Class dateTopic (Discussion) Class PinupReadingsAssignments IntroduceDue*
Thursday, 08, 26, 2021Module A (existing building documentation and grid)
01 Introduction
โ€“ Collect names and pictures of students, assign logo for titleblock
Titleblock & logo Ching, Building Construction Illustrated,
Chapter 1, pp. 1.02-1.07,
Chapter 2, pp. 2.02-2.36,
Chapter 12, pp. 12.02-12.03
A01 (site, plans and grid) 
Tuesday, 08, 31, 202102 Grids
โ€“ Introduction to grids, explain scale and linetype in CAD
A01 (site, plans and grid) Sketchbook/notes
-four times reviewed 
Thursday, 09, 2, 202103 Print
โ€“ Introduction to lineweights, ctb files and layouts in CAD
A01 (PDFโ€™s)Allen & Iano, Materials and Methods
Chapter 13 Pages 495-507, and 522-531,

Ching, Building Construction Illustrated,
Chapter 5, pp. 5.04-5.09,
A02 (Plans and Elevations) 
Tuesday, 09, 7, 2021Labor Day [No Classes -CityTech-]    
Thursday, 09, 9, 202104 XREF s Elvations & Sections
โ€“ Desk crits
A02 (Plans and Elevations)  A01 (site, plan and grid)
Tuesday, 09, 14, 202105 Concrete, Mix
-Desk crits elevations & sections
A02 (Plans and Elevations)Allen & Iano, Materials and Methods
Chapter 13 Pages 507-522,
Chapter 14 Pages 533-581
Ching, Building Construction Illustrated,
Chapter 3, pp. 3.16
Chapter 6, pp. 6.04
2 of 4
Sketchbook/notes 1of4
-check complete / incomplete 
Thursday, 09, 16, 2021[No Classes -CityTech-]    
Tuesday, 09, 21, 202106 Drawing standards
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
A02  (PDFโ€™s) A03 Pin-up (Section + All)A02 (Plans and Elevations)
Thursday, 09, 23, 202107 Concrete (cast in place)
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
A03 Pin-up (Section)Allen & Iano, Materials and Methods
Chapter 2 Pages 33-71, and 75-77,

Ching, Building Construction Illustrated,
Chapter 3, pp. 3.02-3.12
Tuesday, 09, 28, 202108 Concrete (PRE-CAST)
โ€“  A module, Structural 3D computer model 
A03 Pin-up (PDFโ€™s) A04 Final Module A (site , plans , elevations, sections , 3D model)A03 Pin-up (Section+All)
Thursday, 09, 30, 202109 Foundations
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
A04 Final Module A (3D model)Allen & Iano, Materials and Methods
Chapter 3 Pages 79-122
Tuesday, 10, 5, 2021Module B   โ€“ High performance house introduction
10 DURA (Solar Decathlon project)
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions [Module A complete]
โ€“ sketchbook review including readings and desk crits
A04 Final Module A   (PDFโ€™s) B01 Reference materialA04 Final Module A (site , plans , elevations, sections , 3D model)
Thursday, 10, 7, 202111 Wood
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
B01 Reference materialChing, Building Construction Illustrated,
Chapter 12, pp. 12.11-12.13

Allen & Iano, Materials and Methods
Chapter 5 Pages 151 โ€“ 209
B02 all architectural plans B01 Reference material
Tuesday, 10, 12, 202112 Foundation Calculations
โ€“ workshop
 In class  โ€“> (basement and ground floor plans)
B02 plans
B03 footing plan
 B03 structural foundation footing planB02 all architectural plans 
Thursday, 10, 14, 202113 Framing types
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions

B03 footing plan
Ching, Building Construction Illustrated,
Chapter 5, pp. 5.41 -542,
Chapter 4, pp. 4.26 -4.39
B04 elevationsB03 structural foundation footing plan
Tuesday, 10, 19, 202114 Joists
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
  B05 Joist PlansB04 elevations
Thursday, 10, 21, 202115 Project development [Joists part2]
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
B05 Joist PlansAllen & Iano, Materials and Methods
Chapter 6 Pages 211-24
Sketchbook/notes 3of4Sketchbook/notes 2of4
Tuesday, 10, 26, 202116 Studs layout
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
B05 Joist Plans
B06 Stud Plans
 B06 Stud PlansB05 Joist Plans
Thursday, 10, 28, 202117 3D Framing
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
Midterm grades
B06 Stud PlansChing, Building Construction Illustrated,
Chapter 5, pp. 5.43 -5.46
B07 3D Framing 
Tuesday, 11, 2, 202118 Wall sections Part1
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
B07 3D Framing B08 Wall sectionsB06 Stud Plans Pin up
Thursday, 11, 4, 202119 Wall sections Part2
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
B07 3D FramingAllen & Iano, Materials and Methods
Chapter 17 Pages 649-693

Ching, Building Construction Illustrated,
Chapter 6, pp. 6.16 -6.21,
Chapter 6, pp. 6.23,
Chapter 7, pp. 7.02 -7.04
Tuesday, 11, 9, 202120 Roof
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
B07 3D Framing
B08 Wall sections
 Sketchbook/notes 4of4 final Sketchbook/notes 3of4
Thursday, 11, 11, 202121 Stairs
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
B07 3D Framing
B08 Wall sections
Allen & Iano, Materials and Methods
Chapter 6 Pages 253-287
Tuesday, 11, 16, 2021 
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
B08 Wall sections  B07 3D Framing  [ Heavily weighted grade]
Thursday, 11, 18, 2021Building Envelope
-Fieldtrip (475)
B08 Wall sections  B09 final       
Tuesday, 11, 23, 2021Drawing layout & SIPs panels
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
 B09 final       
Thursday, 11, 25, 2021Thanksgiving Day [Thanksgiving Day]    
Tuesday, 11, 30, 2021Mechanical
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
 B09 final    B08 Wall sections [ Heavily weighted grade]
Thursday, 12, 2, 2021Redlining โ€“ Common improvements
Redlining Pin up
 B09 final   (PDFโ€™s)   
Tuesday, 12, 7, 2021Module C  
โ€“ 27 Heavy timber sizing
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
  Assignment C01B09 Final Module B (all documents) [Heavily weighted grade]
Thursday, 12, 9, 202128 Heavy timber details
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
Assignment C01 (Plans)Allen & Iano, Materials and Methods
Chapter 4, Pages 125-149
Tuesday, 12, 14, 202129  High-tech wood construction
โ€“ Desk crits, open questions
-Final Examinations -CityTech-
Assignment C01 (Details)   
Thursday, 12, 16, 2021 โ€“ Final Examination
โ€“ C Final Pin Ups
-Final Examinations -CityTech-
Assignment C01   (PDFโ€™s)   
Tuesday, 12, 21, 2021 Optional
โ€“ Project development
โ€“ Uniform Final -CityTech-
   Sketchbook/notes 4of4 final
Assignment C01

Allen & Iano, Materials and Methods = Allen, Edward, and Joseph Iano. Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods. 7th ed., Wiley, 2019.
Ching, Building Construction Illustrated = Ching, Francis D. K. Building Construction Illustrated. 6th ed., Wiley, 2020.

* Typically assignments are due at 10:00 PM before the class indicated in this column