A03 Draft Submission

Have the following boards ready before class to share with the class.

Site Maps (3 images: 30,000’, 3000’, 300’), For each image indicate the height/scale, show the north arrow on the sheet
ground floor plan (@ 1/4”=1’-0”)
living level plan (@ 1/4”=1’-0”)
bedroom level plan (@ 1/4”=1’-0”)
deck plan (@ 1/4”=1’-0”)
roof plan (@ 1/4”=1’-0”)
elevations 1 (2 of Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, Northeast)
elevations 2 (2 of Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, Northeast)
1 section North-South (@ 1/4”=1’-0”)
2 sections East-West (@ 1/4”=1’-0”)

Elevations notes:
You may do a more detailed elevation @ 1/4”=1’-0” scale or an elevation that includes the garage at 1/8”=1’-0” scale.
Include a dotted line that shows the outline footings of your building.
Use a single heavy line to denote the cutpoint of the earth.

Print your project as full-scale PDF’s pay careful attention to how the line weights and line types β€œprint” to PDF. Post your PDF prints up to miro. Plants, elevations, and sections should all show your column grid lines with numbers and dimension lines. Include in your title block, your logo, and specific title information.

Name files using the following naming convention:

course_professor initials_semester_project name_student name
(ex: ARCH2331_AA_F20_Grid_JoseSanchez-01.jpg)
files not conforming to department standards may be graded